Reductigleyic Gleysol

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Tyumen region, Nizhnetavdinsky district, biostation of Tyumen State University, vicinity of Lake Kuchak
Location of the object in relief
The edge of the boged lake terrace of Lake Tangachi
Plant community
Reed birch with an admixture of aspen.
Soil features
Under the O horizon there is a sandy layer of uneven thickness, most likely, these are lacustrine deposits of the beach. Beneath it (22-37 cm) begins clay lacustrine deposits, oxidized-gley up to 54 cm, then a gley horizon with single small ferruginous nodules along the root courses.
Database object type
Soil profiles
Natural zone
Continental subboreal forests (hemiboreal)
Reference Soil Group (WRB)
Principal qualifiers (WRB)